Are you expat worker, Erasmus student or just a random wanderer? Do you want to play ultimate frisbee in Brno on regular basis? You are welcome in our team Brno Ultimate Frisbee Underground. Feel free to join us for the game we all love.


From September we have two trainings per week – Monday and Thursday. They are divided for beginners and advanced players.

Contact us, if you wish to come and we will explain where and when to find us 😉

Please take dark and white jersey.

ultimate frisbee brno practice
Practising the zone defense


During summer season we usually have only one practice per week. Contact us, if you wish to come.


We are regularly attending tournaments of all levels. Czech nationals, fun tournamens or events for beginners. We are open for regular players and sometimes even for ocassional help.


You can contact us on e-mail or our Facebook page.

bufu týmová fotka
Our team photo after beach tournament in Brno.